About the festival


Various performances and cultural experience programs along with the beautiful nature of Imsil
We hope you enjoy various cultural contents.

회원 로그인
소셜네트워크 서비스를 통해서 로그인하시면 별도의 로그인 절차없이 회원서비스를 이용하실 수 있습니다.

It is an experience and tourism festival based on Imsil N cheese
Imsil N Cheese is contributing to revitalizing the local economy by enhancing the national brand image and selling local specialties.

Imsil N Cheese Festival is promoting the development of original and attractive programs to secure a competitive infrastructure for the festival and to lay the foundation for Korea's best cultural tourism and industrial festival by utilizing the unique contents of Imsil's differentiated Imsil N Cheese.

Highlight unique content

Fun experience/participation program operation

Cultural Tourism Festival

Representative festival to introduce
Imsil N Cheese to the whole country

Enhancement of completeness

Reinforcement of completeness of
representative/theme programs

  • 2022 임실N치즈축제
    2022 Imsil N Cheese Festival
    2022.10.7 (Fri) ~ 10.10(Mon) / 4Days
    Imsil Cheese Theme Park, Imsil Cheese Village
    Imsil N Cheese Festival Festival Committee
    문화체육관광부 농림축산식품부 교육부 한국관광공사 전라북도 임실군